Terrifier 2 Movie Review


“Hold your nerve and your stomach: this gorefest is almost too good to pass out while watching it,” Sammy Gecsoyler says.

Terrifier 2, released on October 6, 2022, immediately became known as a horror film with lots of gore. Critics state that horror fans don’t have to watch the first movie to understand what the plot is: slaughter. I have recently watched this film in theaters, and can confidently say that you will be absolutely disgusted if you choose to watch this movie. Starring David Howard Thornton– who is well known for his work in film, stage, and voiceover- as Art the Clown, the story follows Art as he stalks his 3 teenage victims in hopes to brutally kill and dismember them. When I say this, I’m not joking. He takes his time with each girl on Halloween night, watching them from afar and putting on the facade that his clown attire is simply a costume.

WARNING: Before you decide to watch Terrifier 2, I would definitely watch the trailer beforehand. This movie is 2 hours and 28 minutes long, and each minute consists of uncomfortable deadly acts. From the very beginning, we witness Art the Clown claiming his first victim in gruesome fashion, using tools to cut open the man’s head and torture him alive. He has no remorse, considering the killings get much more graphic. Surprisingly, this film is only rated R, and not mature. Watch at your own risk.

“It’s all just blood and guts, with nothing holding it together. Terrifier 2 presents itself as a dare- how much carnage can you take? But it’s not the gore that makes it difficult to sit through, it’s how dull it was,” – Adam Graham

“Super-mega-ultra-gory fun for fans of hardcore horror,”- Mike McGranaghan

“It indulges in all of its innate, nasty impulses, and then just keeps going… Get together with a group of the rowdiest genre freaks you can find and go nuts,”- Trace Sauveur

“Warning, this vomit bag is being provided due to the extreme violence and excessive gore of this feature… guaranteed to cause gastrointestinal upset.” This terrifying statement was placed on a small paper bag, which was specifically designed for the Terrifier 2 movie. An image of Art the Clown with a GIANT warning sign was shown on the throw-up bag as well. Online sources report past viewers having thrown up- and once, an ambulance was even called after someone collapsed and puked into their popcorn bucket. Once again, watch at your own risk.


