Having a positive relationship with your teacher is overall a success for yourself, and your teacher. A bond between a student and teacher makes a school year so much more fun and easier to get through. I want you to picture the scenario where if you were a student who went to school every day and had a mean and nasty attitude towards your teacher every time you saw them or vice versa…Wouldn’t you not want to go back to that classroom again as well as feel unmotivated to teach/ learn? I’m pretty sure you’re getting the message from this if you haven’t already. Take the time out to have a little chat with your teachers/students sometimes or if not that, just make sure you’re doing everything to maintain a positive relationship. Maintaining a positive relationship with your teacher not only benefits your well-being, it’s great towards your academics. Students who attain a pleasant relationship with their teachers also attain high levels of achievements as they have a desire to learn and success in the future, as students who could care less about a relationship with their teachers juxtapose. This also goes for teachers as well of course, a good teacher with a positive attitude, strives for success, and the best for their students are most commonly to get a raise or praise by their boss as the teachers who do nothing to help students excel, are scolded or worse. So, attempt to have a better relationship with your teacher/student, as it will be beneficial in the long run.
Why Positive Relationships with Teachers/Students are Essential to Your Well-being
Tamar Greenhill, Staff Writer
January 12, 2018
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Tamar Greenhill, Staff Writer
I’m a senior and I enjoy writing!