High School comes with many fun times and obstacles, one being relationships. Many teenagers (and myself) have dealt with a heartbreak, complicated love stories, and lots of drama. Teenagers believe that it’s the end of the world if they don’t find “the one” or they think they found “the one” but surprisingly that person actually wasn’t it. With these situations, teenagers are losing quality time of their lives rather crying themselves to sleep, not sleeping at all, have suicidal thoughts, and many other unnecessary actions. Today, high school is full of numerous amounts of relationships and that’s what they are surrounded with. What teenagers don’t understand is that relationships are the only thing high school is about; it’s about experiencing new things and opening your horizon to other things rather than relationships and what comes with it. In not saying don’t have a relationship in high school because they’re toxic; use high school as a learning experience to find out who you are as an individual, who you want to be, and what you want to do with your life for the benefit of your future. Don’t let your relationships in high school control your life.
Relationships Don’t Define You
Tamar Greenhill, Staff Writer
March 29, 2018
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Tamar Greenhill, Staff Writer
I’m a senior and I enjoy writing!