As I am sitting in my room thinking of an idea on what to write my editorial on, it finally hit me as I was getting ready to start my English essay. I want to write about individuality. Individuality is the quality or character of a particular person or thing that distinguishes them from others of the same kind, especially when strongly marked (google dictionary). Being your own character is the absolute best thing you could possibly bring to the table. I understand that it may be hard to love the person you are because you may judged or ate by other individuals; it so much easier to juxtapose yourself to someone else, but it isn’t healthy for neither your mental or emotional health. There are so many factor in our lives that may persuade us to want to be someone else, like: social media, school (high school in particular), and overall the society we live in today. We can’t allow aspects in our lives to take a toll on our own individuality and pure happiness. Always remember to acknowledge your unique qualities because in the end, your individuality is the only thing that makes you, you.
Individuality is Key
Tamar Greenhill, Staff Writer
April 26, 2018
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Tamar Greenhill, Staff Writer
I’m a senior and I enjoy writing!