It has come to my attention that men’s bathrooms don’t have changing pads for babies like the women’s bathroom; a post from the Shaderoom on Instagram had popped up on my feed about a single father having to squat and put his child over his legs to change him, so he wouldn’t have to expose his son to the dirty floor (#sqautforchange). I find it disturbing that there are only changing pads available for men to use for their child if there is a family bathroom in their location, but if a woman needed to change her child there would surely be a changing pad available to change her child, hassle free. People need to understand that it’s almost 2019 now, and mothers aren’t the only ones caring for children nowadays, and there are many single fathers who are trying their very best to care for their children, but can’t even do a simple task of changing their child without it feeling like a 30 minute task. We’re in the generation of equality among genders and races, but can’t seem to provide changing pads in a public place with public restrooms. Changes need to be made for the men’s bathroom or there just needs to be a family bathroom available everywhere because changing pads for children are necessary.
Tamar Greenhill, Staff Writer
December 5, 2018
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Tamar Greenhill, Staff Writer
I’m a senior and I enjoy writing!