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The Official Student Publication of Page High School

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The Official Student Publication of Page High School

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The Official Student Publication of Page High School

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Unleash Your Inner Icon: What Makes An Icon? – Pages By Page

This week is Page vs. Grimsley Rivalry week and that means it is also Spirit Week! Monday’s theme is dress like an Icon Day for students and dress like a student day for teachers. Some students are dressed as celebrities and TikTok stars, while others are dressed like TV and video game characters. From Elmo to Paris Hilton, its clear Page students have a wide and differing ideas on who today’s icons are.

An icon is described as a person or thing that is admired and has great influence. This means that an icon could be almost anything and in the world of pop culture and social media that we live in today, that seems to be true. More and more with the influence of TikTok and Instagram, we are seeing regular people have to reach to make skits, model, create true crime content, sports content, and even just talk about things that happen in their daily lives. This era of modern icons has really added an interesting element to icon day since everyone has a different idea of who is an icon. In the past icons were huge names like Madonna, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and Micheal Jordan because these people had the money and fame to influence people much more than even other celebrities.

For the teachers and administrators, they have just as much fun as the students! A lot of the teachers participate in dress like a student day and some even end up twinning with students. Hoodies, crocs, sweatpants, and pimple patches seem to be the most popular attire for students and teachers alike on this day.