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The Official Student Publication of Page High School

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The Official Student Publication of Page High School

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10 Best Ways to Celebrate Your Mother:

How did you celebrate your mother?
10 Best Ways to Celebrate Your Mother:

As we all know, Mother’s Day is right around the corner. If you love your mom as much as I love mine, you want to give her the best day ever. After having to deal with us daily, one day a year it should be completely about her! Here are the best ways to make this day special.

  1. Plan a Day Out: Organize a day filled with her favorite activities, whether it’s going to the movies, out for a hike, or even a spa day.
  2. Treat Mom to Breakfast in Bed: This is the best way to start the day off with a bang. She wakes up with a delicious breakfast and love from her kids! It’s a great way to combine family, food, and fun.
  3. Attend a Class Together: Sign up for a cooking class, art workshop, or dance lessons that you can enjoy together. It’ll be an amazing bonding experience!
  4. Gift Personalized Jewelry: Give her a piece of jewelry engraved with a special message or personalized with birthstones. It’s a meaningful keepsake she can cherish forever.
  5. Make a Scrapbook: Get creative and make a scrapbook filled with mementos, quotes, and drawings celebrating her role as a mother.
  6. Write a Poem or a Song: Express your feelings through music or poetry. Write a song or poem dedicated to her and perform it with heartfelt sincerity.
  7. Plan a Movie Marathon: Set up a cozy movie night with her favorite films, snacks, and blankets. It’s a relaxing way to spend quality time together.
  8. Volunteer Together: Give back to the community by volunteering together at a local charity or organization. It’s a meaningful way to bond while making a positive impact.
  9. Gift a Thoughtful Experience: Surprise her with tickets to a show, concert, or weekend getaway. Choose an experience that aligns with her interests and preferences, creating unforgettable memories together.
  10. Make a Coupon Book: If you are wanting to save money this season, then a coupon book would be a perfect gift. Not only is it thoughtful and inexpensive, but it gives your mom a break from all the hard work she does. Whether that be cleaning up the kitchen or making dinner, she will appreciate this gift 100%.

Happy Mothers’ Day to all the amazing Mothers out there! Hopefully this day is full of love, appreciation, and gratitude.


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About the Contributor
Jane Cockburn
Jane Cockburn, Staff Writer
Hello! My name is Jane Carrington Cockburn. I've been to Jamaica 5 times and once this year. I've also been to France and Iceland. I love playing basketball and exercising. I've lived in 3 states: Florida, Illinois, and North Carolina. My favorite place to live so far is North Carolina. I'm involved in my community. I participated as the Vice President of NJHS and volunteered as a counselor for a couple of camps during the summer. Hopefully I continue to grow and develop in high school, and I can't wait to write for the newspaper!

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