As we enter October, Halloween is approaching, so it’s best to start planning your spooky activities for the anticipated holiday. If visiting haunted houses and hotels is something you or your friends do for the holiday, then it may be worthwhile to visit North Carolina’s most popular haunted hotels. A hotel worth visiting is at the Carolina Inn Chapel Hill, where guests have commented on the eerie feeling they get once they step into the lobby. The hotel was built in 1924 and later donated to UNC in 1935 and attracted many university alumni, townspeople, and faculty.
Dr. William Jacocks was an alum who moved into the hotel in 1948 and retired while living in the hotel for 17 years. Even though his body was buried in his hometown of Windsor, guests have reported that his body still wanders around the halls of the inn. Many have reported that his spirit likes to go around testing the guest room door locks and locking guests out of their rooms. Many people who have visited the inn report a faint smell of floral perfume and feel a chill throughout the hallways.
Another recommended haunted hotel you could visit is the Lodge on the Lake Lure, built by the N.C Highway Patrol in 1938. The inn was built with two intentions in mind: one was to honor one of the members of the Patrol, Patrolman George Penn, a 23-year-old officer who was killed in a 1937 shootout. The second reason for building the inn was to serve as a vacation home for the members of the patrol and their families a vacation home. Inn guests have reported seeing Penn’s spirit wandering in rooms 4 and 2. People believe that the Patrolman haunts the inn for revenge due to his murder.
Lake Lure Inn has several spooky stories despite its small size and town. In 1927, Dr. Lucius Morse, a Missourian physician came to the N.C mountains to recover from his disease and decided to stay to promote his business. He built Lake Lure Inn with the intention of it becoming a popular tourist attraction and it succeeded despite the stock crash. It was later reported that during the 1930s, a jealous husband murdered his bride in 217 and housekeepers have rumored that a woman in a lace dress is seen walking around the hotel during the night. Another source has reported seeing Dr. Morse’s spirit keeping an eye on the hotel. Whether you participate in Halloween festivities or not, visiting a haunted hotel can be something to add to your bucket list.