Many people call breakfast the most important meal of the day. It is also a meal that many people decide to skip. Is it truly the most important meal of the day and how many people skip it? As you have probably heard many people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There is some reason to back this claim. Breakfast is the meal that, as in the name, breaks the fast of the night and replenishes the energy and alertness.
Many breakfasts are high in carbohydrates in foods that many people make like pancakes, toast, and many cereals to name a few. Many people in the U.S. skip breakfast every morning with a 2022 Civic Science study ending with only 35% of people over 18 in the country eating breakfast every morning and 21% eating breakfast 4 to 6 days of the week. People that do not eat breakfast every morning will commonly suffer from decreased cognitive function, low energy, and increased stress levels.