Have you ever walked by, or driven by someone and got a sense of sonder? You may then start analyzing them and start to wonder about how their day went. When looking at someone, it isn’t easy to tell, but studies show that on average people have 4 bad days in a month. This means that in a room full of 100 people, at least 13 of them have had a bad day. This wouldn’t seem like a big percentage to most, but imagine this percentage while walking the halls of Page, there’s so many students here and you see more than 100 people daily. This makes this percentage seem not so low.
How do we make this better? Show some random acts of kindness! You never know what someones going through, and a small act of gratitude or kindness can make the rest of the day go smoother for them. When spreading positivity, you’re bringing back positivity into your life. The week of February 14-20 is Random Acts of Kindness week! Leave a hopeful impact or influence on someone’s day. You can do this by giving compliments out, volunteering in your community, talking to someone, or just simply smiling at someone. People never forget how you make them feel, so be sure to make a good impression. Remember, you never know how much you could possibly change someone’s life by one small act of kindness.
Useful links : https://nypost.com/2024/08/20/lifestyle/how-many-bad-days-do-americans-have-per-month/#:~:text=A%20quarter%20of%20respondents%20(26,days%20per%20year%20(48). , https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-quotes#:~:text=%E2%80%9CNo%20act%20of%20kindness%2C%20no,small%2C%20is%20ever%20wasted.%E2%80%9D&text=%E2%80%9CConstant%20kindness%20can%20accomplish%20much,%2C%20and%20hostility%20to%20evaporate.%E2%80%9D&text=%E2%80%9CA%20single%20act%20of%20kindness,up%20and%20make%20new%20trees.%E2%80%9D