Poet Laureate
The Page Poet Laureate Contest is a contest for poetry lovers. By signing up for this contest you have the opportunity to enter three original poems and be recognized for your poetry if you win. Any Page student interested in poetry is eligible to enter. The winner will be announced near the end of March. You must submit three original poems without your name in order to enter. When all submissions are in, an anonymous group of Page staff will select three of the best entries and send them off to be judged. The winner of the contest will receive a great honor and should plan to participate on a Saturday in April at the Central Library for a celebration of all the Poet Laureates. The winner and their poem will also be published on the PagesbyPage website.

I'm the Editor-in-Chief and a senior this year at Page. I love reading and writing. I'm obsessed with rock music. When I grow up I hope to be a famous...