Superintendent Mo Green Resigns
On March 17th, Superintendent Maurice “Mo” Green resigned from his position with Guilford County Schools. He has worked with the GCS system for 7 plus years, but has now decided to work at the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation in Winston-Salem. Mr. Green made equal importance on academic achievement, character development and organizational performance. Page High School has a special connection to Mr. Green seeing that his daughter, Brianna, graduated from Page in 2014. In announcing his resignation, Mr. Green said this to the staff members present, “I am deeply grateful for the opportunities GCS has afforded me,” said Green. There will be a new board in November and a new superintendent in July. Parent Lisa Bobbitt, has a senior, Liza, and a sophomore, Branch, at Page High school. When asked on her thoughts on the retirement she said, “I have enjoyed Mr. Green’s leadership in Guilford County and am curious to see how the system will change during the transition of superintendents and how it will affect Branch in his final two years at Page.” There is a lot of uncertainty in the air seeing that nobody knows what the future will bring. In hearing about Mr. Green resigning Dr. Faison said, “I am very sad to hear about his resignation. I loved working with him and I thought he did a great job.” Mr. Green was a valuable addition to the GCS family and he will be missed dearly.