Welcome to the New Pirate Staff
Page High School wants to recognize all of our new staff members in order to make them feel welcome. The new staff members joining the social studies department are Mr. Cappel and Ms. Taylor. The new teachers joining the science department are Mrs. Bowser, Mr. Gustaveson, Mr. Mabe, and Ms. Davenport. Our former Graduation Coach, Ms. Wiggins, is now teaching business education as the new member of the CTE department. Ms. O’Connell is joining the English department and Mr. Glass is joining the math department. The new member joining the foreign language department is Ms. Hernandez. Ms. Yancey, one of our former CTE teachers, is now our Career Development Coordinator. Joining our EC department is Ms. Fancourt. Ms. Ijaz, Mr. Williams, and Mr. Eggleston are joining us as new members of the Page office and administration staff. Coach Vann is joining the PE department. From the Pages by Page staff, welcome and we hope you have a great year here at Page!

I'm the Editor-in-Chief and a senior this year at Page. I love reading and writing. I'm obsessed with rock music. When I grow up I hope to be a famous...