Congratulations to Channing Neorr for winning 2019 Page High School’s Poet Laureate (in which students asked to submit poems and then are judged by a committee), she submitted her winning poems “Allow for the pollination of your Mind (flowers), “Jitterbug perfume by Tom Robbins” and “Symphony of the still trees”.
PxP: How does it feel to be Page’s Poet Laureate?
CN: “It feels really good and everyone’s been really nice about it. And a lot of teachers and students have congratulated me so it’s really cool and I’m glad that people liked my writing
PxP: How long have you been writing?
CN: “I’ve been writing for years like probably a stack of like 20 journals that are full that I’ve written in everyday since like 8th grade maybe but I’ve just started writing like actual poetry probably 2 or 3 years ago”
PxP: What inspires you to write?
CN: “Mostly nature in the world around me so a lot of it is just like reflection and like trying to share and understand people but a lot of it comes from nature.”
Symphony of the Still Trees
the Trees are most honest with you than any other living thing will be
they tell their secrets in between the sultry sounds of dusk falling
so hot
everyone is liberated from their fingertips
their hair follicles
and too busy becoming dust again to hear the
faint whispers of the forest
under blood rushing
they sing their praise in golden halos around the sun
in futile attempts of touching every leaf
alter before it becomes what we all mistake for dirt
glory sounds come with the morning
louder than the splitting remembrance of dreams
one day you may have the itch to
close your eyes
go back to sleep
and forsake the morning
ever longer suspending the inevitable and self-righteous belonging to the Trees
Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins