The Page Pirate family recently received new computers thanks to Guilford County. People came to install the computers at the end of March. It was a surprise to many of the students to walk into their classrooms and realize that there were no computers. Although it caused some teachers to have to improvise their intended lesson plan for the day, it was for the best. Many of the computers throughout the school hadn’t been working or were just broken. It is a great feeling to know that every students that walks into a computer lab or into the Media Center will have a fully functioning computer to complete their work.
The journalism staff would like to specifically thank our principal, Mr. Naglee, for fighting for our class to have new computers. The three computers our class is provided for us to work on were taken away just like the rest of the old computers. We were so thankful that we were getting new ones because ours had been malfunctioning recently; later we found out that we were not going to receive any new computers and we were not going to get the old ones back either. Thanks to Mr. Naglee we received three new computers in replace of the old ones so that our class can continue to write. Once again, thank you so much!