Your Voice: Football Themes
Pages by Page asked students what their favorite football theme is and which theme they would like to add. Samantha Hippert, a freshman, responded to us saying, “I like Neon Night. I would add Black Out Night.” A sophomore, Savannah McEntire, said, “My favorite is when we wear the Page colors. I wouldn’t change a thing.” Davis Peeler, a junior, told us “White Out Night is my favorite, and I wouldn’t add a new theme.” Finally, James Ellis, a senior here at Page, responded, “My favorite theme is Toga Night because all the seniors are highlighted and I am finally a senior. I would make an 80’s Day because that is my favorite decade.” Overall, it looks like we have a variety of favorites and some good add on suggestions. What theme would you like to add?
Samantha Hippert
Savannah McEntire
Davis Peeler
James Ellis

I'm the Editor-in-Chief and a senior this year at Page. I love reading and writing. I'm obsessed with rock music. When I grow up I hope to be a famous...