Club Corner: Battle Of The Books

Throughout the school year, a group of students have been reading books off a list so that they
may compete in a competition of their knowledge on the books. This competition is called Battle
of the Books. Each school may have one team consisting of twelve team members, two
alternates, and three coaches. The team members here are Emma Amaglo, Paige Azzarita,
Nickie Edoh, Meagan Gutheil, Mia McCall, Anne Spong, Sierra Taylor, Taylor Taylor, Jordan
Williams. The coaches here at Page are the librarians Ms. DeLellis and Ms. Kunka. Our team at
Page attended this competition on March 11 th . Some of the books on this year’s list were We
Were Liars by E. Lockhart, The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen, Uglies by Scott Westerfield,
and Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein. After a long day of answering book related questions,
the Page team received fourth place out of fourteen teams. When the captain, senior Jordan
Williams, was asked about what she enjoyed most about Battle of the Books she said, “I
enjoyed reading a lot of books I wouldn’t pick up otherwise of course, but I really loved the
familial setting.” Jordan also said that she participated in this competition because she loved
being with people who loved reading as much as she did and that she enjoyed growing close
with them. If you are an avid reader and are interested in joining this club next year, contact the
librarians for more information.

I'm the Editor-in-Chief and a senior this year at Page. I love reading and writing. I'm obsessed with rock music. When I grow up I hope to be a famous...