Mission Trip Mania
Lawton Gresham, sophomore, went on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic with First Presbyterian Church this past summer. While there, they built a school and a community center. They also led the youth in organized activities. When asked about his experience Lawton said, “It was incredible to immerse myself in a culture. I felt like I was helping them in a way that I couldn’t have done so in another place.” When asked what his favorite part was Lawton said, “The kids were my favorite part. They come from a hard background and have a different life than us. They always have a smile on their faces though. They can’t speak your language and you can’t speak theirs, but they are still very happy to see you. They are the shining moment of the whole trip.” Lawton Gresham doesn’t go to First Presbyterian Church, but was able to go on the trip because they were very open and happy with his interest in helping. If you are interested in doing something like this please get in contact with First Presbyterian Church or another church that offers mission trips.