Wayne Gretzky once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” According to this quote, if you don’t even try something, you are going to miss out on everything that it could have offered. For all you know, that thing that you just missed out on could have been something that you would have been good at or would have loved to do. Everyone has a comfort zone, but sometimes you need to step out of it in order to try new and great things. Trying something new is hard especially if it is something so far from what you would usually do, but not trying it would make you miss out on everything. Wouldn’t you rather do something that scares you and enjoy it in the end? If you don’t even try it or take the shot, you will miss out on everything that could have been.
Wednesday Wisdom
Meagan Gutheil, Staff Writer
February 16, 2017
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Meagan Gutheil, Editor-in-Chief
I’m the Editor-in-Chief and a senior this year at Page. I love reading and writing. I’m obsessed with rock music. When I grow up I hope to be a famous author.