Mu Alpha Theta is a club that has been here at Page for a while, and continues to be an excellent leadership opportunity for students. The club is run by two math teachers, Mrs. Katz and Mr. Pielow. The students of the club help tutor the children at Joyner Elementary, 3rd through 5th grade, every Wednesday afternoon. Mu Alpha Theta meets on the second Monday of the month in the Media Center to check for progress and make sure you are getting your tutoring hours logged. To be eligible for this club you must have taken three math classes and must be in at least Math 3. Another qualification to be in the club is having no less than a B in any class. Also, by the end of the school year the Page students who are in the club must have 12 hours that they have tutored students. Some of the students in Mu Alpha Theta may be eligible to compete in math competitions against students from similar math clubs at other schools in the county. Mu Alpha Theta is a great chance for Page students to not only get service hours, but to interact with the younger children in our community.
Club Corner: Mu Alpha Theta
Olivia Emmert, Staff Reports
January 25, 2018
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Olivia Emmert, Student Life
I am a senior at Page. I also enjoy the band Waterparks and I like to hang out with my friends.