A Page Pirate we see dreaming big this year is Sandro Hasanbasic. He is a senior who is working on fixing computers for adults and making a profit from it. When Sandro was younger he was into the basic video games, but he discovered a new talent later on. He didn’t know he would be able to reprogram computers and fix them until his dad’s friend came to him and asked if he would take a look. Sandro realized quickly how to fix the problem on the computer, he fixed it, and his dad’s friend paid him for it. Now, he has had many more customers that have come to him to get his/her computer fixed and reprogrammed. Sandro is hoping to be able to make this his career as a computer programmer or a videogame designer. Sandro hopes to attend the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, or North Carolina State University. It is so awesome to see a Page student dreaming big and already preparing for his future!
Pirates Dreaming Big: Sandro Hasanbasic
Olivia Emmert, Staff Writer
October 17, 2018
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Olivia Emmert, Student Life
I am a senior at Page. I also enjoy the band Waterparks and I like to hang out with my friends.