Marrissa Maynard – Freshman
“My power was out for over 70 hours. My family and I had to go out everyday to eat drive thru food. During the storm, I did homework, listen to music, and relax as much as i could.”

Mykhi Malloy- Freshman
“ My power was out for only one day, which was a blessing. During my one day of having no power, I was really bored but still managed to get some homework done.”

Jamima Kavusu- Sophomore
“My lights had flicked for a long time, which was weird. Although my lights flickered, I had no connection for a couple days. I did my homework and talked to friends during the storm.”

Maryam Richardson- Sophomore
“No my lights didn’t go out, but they did flicker for a few minutes. It was nothing major”

Chloe Gorgen- Senior
“My power was out from Thursday at noon to Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. There were fallen trees and a lot of damage done to my neighborhood. I had to go to Starbucks to get my homework done and to eat. The first couple of days, I had read books and did homework that didn’t require internet.”