This past Saturday, February the 16th was Page’s Twerp dance. The theme was “Rhyme without Reason” meaning dates were supposed to match with each other in a rhythmic way. Twerp is designed as a “Sadie Hawkins” type of dance where the female is supposed to ask the male to be their date. The week leading up to the dance females were supposed to bring their dates a certain thing for each day of the week. On Monday it was candy, Tuesday baked goods, Wednesday was breakfast, Thursday was love notes or a playlist, and on Friday the boys brought the girls flowers. The DJ at the dance played today’s hits, and some old classics. Punch and water was served to refresh everyone that was dancing the night away. Huge shoutout to Student Council for making this all possible!
Twerp: Rhyme without Reason
Olivia Emmert, Staff Writer
February 19, 2019
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Olivia Emmert, Student Life
I am a senior at Page. I also enjoy the band Waterparks and I like to hang out with my friends.