This past weekend our theater program put on three phenomenal shows of the well-known movie High School Musical. The performances began with opening night on Thursday, leading to another show on Friday and finishing with a final one on Saturday. All three shows received great reviews and feedback from its audiences, with some even saying “I liked it more than the original”. Although both Friday and Saturday’s shows attracted a larger crowd, every performance deserved a standing ovation.
Now showbiz can be very stressful and can have its turn at mishaps. I spoke to one of the cast members who talked to me about how there was a slight miscommunication with the costumes and where they ended up on stage. She said that she was unable to go on for one of her scenes because her costume was on the wrong side backstage.
Of course, the show still went on and beautifully it did. Each performance ended with a crowded lobby of friends and family congratulating their loved ones who performed. So even with a bit of flounder, the show must go on!