Success and failure. Two words that when you hear them together, you often think of them as opposites. You think of them as two things that couldn’t possibly correlate, let alone be used in the same sentence. Success involves you achieving or accomplishing something whereas failure acts as the reverse card to success. Failure is associated with negativity and what you didn’t achieve, it exemplifies your points of error and where you messed up. It gets you thinking “Did I miss a step?” But how do you succeed? What are the steps needed in order to obtain the success that you wish to acquire?
The truth is, you need to fail in order to succeed. You’ve probably heard it before but failure is one of the many steps to success. Without it you wouldn’t be able to learn from past mistakes and that would take away the opportunity to get better and progress. Its not your failures, but your reactions to your failures that determine where you end up and how far you advance. After you’ve failed enough, your better, stronger, more capable and fuller of much greater qualities that you lacked before. Instead of holding you back, it actually pushes you farther and helps accelerate your momentum and determination to do better. If you’ve ever played Mario Cart Deluxe, then you know what those little boosts are that you drive over that make you go faster. Think of failure as those boosts. A little push further to the finish line. They are inevitable and will always be there.
Scientists have studied the relationship between failure and success numerous times. They’ve found that, “Failure early in ones career leads to greater success in the long term for those who try again.” There are two types of relationships between failure and success. The first one is that failure tends to start when your success comes to an end. It defines the limits of success. The second one is that success picks up where failure left off. Success follows failure. It occurs after other options have been tried and failed. Think of it as Trial and error. So ultimately you determine if your failure will lead to your success. You have to be able to take the steps, endure the setbacks and learn from the mistakes in order to reach what you’re striving for.