The Importance of Helping Others


Onil Stoves installed in the huts.

Do you know that unbeatable feeling of helping someone else for the better? If you don’t, it’s a fulfilling emotion and it makes you feel like a better person. This is a feeling that everyone should feel at least once in their life and there is no better feeling. Recently, I went on a mission trip through my church to Guatemala and it changed my life to say the least. By simply giving the kids a smile and playing with the them it made a huge difference. These less fortunate villagers felt special and the feeling was reciprocated. My team installed Onil stoves in huts and we ran a medical clinic while there. It’s amazing how one stove and one doctor’s check-up can change lives forever. It is so important to help others out. Now, I am not saying you have to travel across the world to help others; people need help in our own community and even a smile can go a long way. Volunteering at the soup kitchen or through community projects can affect others in the most positive ways.  In the world we live in today we only hear about wars and violence in the community and around the world. All of that negativity can get to people, but I believe random acts of kindness can change lives and set a tone for a better world, one little step at a time.  You never know what people are going through so being kind to others and help each other out, you never know how you can change a person’s life.