Do Aliens Exist?

A very debated and discussed topic in the science world is “Are there aliens among us?” Many people think that it is crazy to believe that there is life outside of the human race, but some people have personal encounters with aliens. From unsolved sightings to astronaut encounters there are many different stories that support the idea that aliens are here with us. There is also a lot of historical support such as artwork dating back to the 15th century. There is an image that depicts the Virgin Mary and in the backdrop of the painting, a man and his dog staring up at a hovering disk-like object that seems to be a UFO. Along with this painting, there are ancient cave paintings and “Sanskrit Scrolls” which all depict what seems to be alien life. As for unsolved sightings, it was discussed across the Tennessee campus staff and students that 200 people confirmed seeing what was a UFO on campus in 2008. There are also many important figures that confirmed their belief in alien life. Jimmy Carter made a public statement announcing his encounter with aliens, but was denied the government access to the information as proof. Some people believe that this is just a cover up and do not believe his story because there is no proof, but I believe his story. I think that Aliens are underrated and that more funding and research needs to go into figuring out their story and where they come from. Most people don’t want to believe that there could be something new out there because it’s foreign and scary to most people. All in all, I believe that aliens are among us and need to be talked about in order to make new advances in science.