Is Homework Actually Helpful?

The definition of homework stated by Merriam-Webster is “an assignment given to a student to be completed outside the regular class period”; it’s crazy how such a little word with such a simple definition comes with so much work, time consumption, and the cause for stress. I never understood why I had to spend 8 hours of my life, 5 times a week at school just to come home that night and complete approximately 5 hours of work that’s due the next day. Although, I do understand that the classes I take affect the amount of homework I have, and the amount of time it will take to complete but, that doesn’t mean I should have to feel stressed the whole night and exhausted the next morning. Even people that don’t take the same classes as I (standard or honors) still have homework that causes them to stress out. Homework isn’t helpful; it’s rather the root of all evil. I understand that teachers assign homework to see how their students are doing in their class and on the topic that they are currently learning within in that class but, homework isn’t the answer to that situation. Some students have things to do after school, that doesn’t include homework; as other people just choose not to do it. It’s unfair that students have to do more work when they come home and, it’s unfair to teachers when they have to spend hours grading homework. The only way for everyone to get a fair ending is simply to STOP ASSIGNING HOMEWORK!
According to U.S news, America’s educational rating in the world is number 2, behind the United Kingdom. In the U.K, schools have debated on banning homework and give students the opportunity to read books/magazines, during the time they should be doing their work. As that decision is pending, teachers’ condensed the amount of work given to students; allowing students to have more time for other things in their life. Teachers could easily see where a student is in their class by making them participate in class or giving pop quizzes. I know I would rather study for a class and always be prepared for a pop quiz than, do more work after I come home from a long, exhausting, and stressful day of school. Not to mention, some teachers don’t realize that we have other classes besides theirs; they need to be considerate of our other classes and our outside lives. Teachers could simply condense the amount of homework they give so; both of our lives could be a little less stressful.

Question for students to answer:

Do you think homework is helpful rather useless and time consuming?