Are These Walk-Outs Appropriate?

Recently within the news, many people can view how many schools within the United States are participating within the walk outs that are occurring since the Florida shooting on February 14, 2018. What is the purpose behind these walkouts some may ask? The initial purpose of these worldwide walk outs is to protest for gun law restrictions and to pay respects towards the victims killed within the shooting..but is it appropriate?

Many speculate that the walk outs are appropriate, because they are capable of letting their voices be heard and exploiting how they feel. Schools all over, high school and even middle school, have been participating in them, Page High School was actually on Fox 8 news due to the large participation we had. Many students are seen marching with posters, about towards gun control. These students remain outside for seventeen minutes, beginning at 10 am, to honor the seventeen lives lost during the Florida shooting.  “We’re sick of it,” said Maxwell Nardi, a senior at Douglas S. Freeman High School in Henrico, Virginia, just outside Richmond. “We’re going to keep fighting, and we’re not going to stop until Congress finally makes resolute changes.”

How are these protests beneficial? In my personal opinion, I feel that students should have the right to participate if they would like, but most students do not know the true meaning behind the protests. Me personally, I would not protest, because I feel as if school is for education not protest. I feel as if it is double standard, in which some say school is for education, not religion. But shouldn’t the same pertain to protests?

Many students participate in the Walkouts just to simply get out of class. I feel as if most of these students participating, do not actually acknowledge what the protests truly are over. Most students do not know whether the bills are passed through the federal or state, or what the restrictions that are being protested consist of. I completely am all for using your voice to be heard  and for fighting for what you want. Although, in order to do this I believe you should have knowledge of what is going on in order to participate.