Crazy Amounts of Acorns This Year

Crazy Amounts of Acorns This Year

  Fall has hardly even started, and already we are being bombarded by crazy amounts of acorns. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, an abundance of acorns can either point to a harsh winter or a hot summer. Because most of the acorns we’ve seen so far this year have been fully brown, we can expect to have a harsh winter. An abundance of green acorns, however, would tell us that trees have endured a hot summer, causing stress and the early release of acorns. Some scientists disagree, however, saying that oak trees drop acorns in higher concentrations on a 2 to 5 year cycle.

  Whether our local trees are producing more or releasing acorns early to prepare for a harsh winter is currently a mystery. With the high concentration of acorns we have had for several years, the second theory seems less likely. However, this year acorns have been lose, while in years past they took root quickly, leaving us with only a mess and a mild winter. Maybe all of the difference lies in lose vs. rooted acorns?

   After three years without good snow, the suggestion of a harsh winter sounds wonderful, giving us the chance to sled, have snowball fights, and curl up with hot chocolate and a good book. Maybe this is all just an old wives’ tale, but nature is usually a fabulous indication of future weather. Hopefully, an abundance of loose brown acorns, as opposed to rooted brown acorns, will make all the difference this winter. See you in the snow!