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The Official Student Publication of Page High School

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The Official Student Publication of Page High School

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Kim Jong Un Visit, Gov. Threats, and Homicide Investigation: Weekly News of 9/11-15, 2023


Kim Jong Un to visit Russia at Vladimir Putin’s Invitation
The North Korean Supreme leader, Kim Jong Un, has been invited to the city of Vladivostok in Russia, courtesy of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Although it is unspecified when such a visit may occur, the United States government has suggested that a meeting such as this may very well take place because of Russia’s efforts to find new suppliers for weaponry in their invasion of Ukraine. Last Tuesday, a warning was declared by White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan that any deal struck between the two powers would result in North Korea “Paying the Price”. That said, official actions were never specified. Since COVID-19, North Korea has only recently reopened its borders, and this venture will be the first since before the pandemic. Nine prior travels to foreign powers have been made by the North Korean leader since his rise to power in 2011, many of which were in 2018 and 2019, regarding negotiations for North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons and Missile Program. The United Nations and the USA have imposed sanctions over Pyongyang’s weapons of mass destruction program. However, the potential of this upcoming meeting could potentially provide Pyongyang with the weapons those sanctions have restricted for two decades, especially regarding weapons of mass destruction. All in all, the Russian forces are depleted and duly in need of more supplies.

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/11/asia/kim-jong-un-north-korea-russia-meeting-intl-hnk/index.html

Impeachment and Government shutdown threats loom over House’s return
US Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, returns to Washington confronting new challenges. First and foremost is avoiding a government shutdown and addressing the ever-growing calls to impeach President Joe Biden. Congress has been faced with a vast workload of late between an ever-approaching deadline regarding government funding, reauthorization of the FAA, White House disaster relief, and foreign aid to Ukraine. However, another issue now peeks above the horizon- a demand to rush the impeachment, and threats to McCarthy’s speakership, assuming he breaks various promises made to fellow members of his right flank. Adding to the already chaotic happenings, it seems Donald Trump is set to weigh his opinion on such topics this week according to an array of GOP sources. During the August recess, talk of impeachment has only grown, with even McCarthy’s allies such as Greene wishing for a vote to authorize an inquiry. “Put the vote to the floor, even if it fails. I guarantee you, if you put it back it’ll pass because every single Republican that votes no to it will get destroyed by their districts,” Greene told CNN. Some GOP senators have warned house republicans about dangers regarding the pursuit or impeachment. “They’re an extraordinary measure, they should not be routine,” Rubio declares to CNN. However, If McCarthy attempted to defer an impeachment vote, it could further secure the right. That said, if he was to simply agree to such a vote, it would likely fail while putting all his fellow members in accord over the matter at hand.

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/11/politics/impeachment-government-shutdown-house-return/index.html

Deputies Investigating homicide in Greensboro; 1 dead, 1 with serious injuries
This past Thursday at around 10:12 AM, Deputies of the Guilford Country Sheriff’s Office responded to the 7600 block of Wellsley Dr. in Fox Hollow Neighborhood. Deputies claim that one person has been proclaimed dead while the other victim has been hospitalized due to serious injuries, as confirmed by Guilford County EMS. “I have only been over here about three years in this particular area… From what I see, something needs to be done. This is just becoming a criminal area,” proclaims one woman who lives in the nearby area. A group of neighbors in the local community returning from work were agitated at the sight of the Sheriff vehicles lined in a row, saying, “It’s becoming too common.” A witness at the scene claims they saw a hit-and-run, just before gunshots were fired and followed by a man in a mask being seen wielding a knife. Sheriff Danny Rogers declined to confirm the cause of death but declared it a random act of violence, saying “It ended up becoming a bad day for this family and this great community.” Incidents precisely like this one have been seen in the area since last November. Rogers states, “When you see something out of place, you see people or a person in your community who does not belong, and you know they are a suspicious person or persons, call 911.”

Source: https://myfox8-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/greensboro/deputies-investigating-homicide-in-greensboro-1-dead-1-with-serious-injuries/amp/?amp_js_v=0.1#webview=1&cap=swipe

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Aiden Grimoire
Aiden Grimoire, Staff Writer
My name is Aiden A. Grimoire. I'm an autistic content writer specializing in topics of social justice, politics, and ethical writing. I have a deep passion for the literary arts and served as lead writer for a labor union back in my freshman year. I have a special love for helping others and inspiring change in my community. I have made it my mission as a writer to serve as a pillar of inspiration for disabled writers and artists worldwide.

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