Editorial: Senioritis

While the term itself may not exist in the dictionary, “senioritis” is a very real issue suffered by seniors far and wide. Since it is not technically a defined term, I’ll have to get my own definition for those who are unfamiliar with this term. Senioritis is a senior’s gradual decrease in motivation to focus/try hard in school due to college acceptance and/or awareness of an almost certain graduation. Since I am a senior myself, I can confirm that senioritis does in fact exist; although in past years I was unsure of how it worked. Once you find out you’re in college, it becomes tough to justify studying/worrying as hard in class as you had in years past. You would be hard pressed to find a situation in which a student was accepted into college and then removed from the upcoming class of students due to final grades, barring an extreme drop off. It is, due to this that students begin to space off and have less stress about school work then ever before.

If you are one of the students who have started or will shortly start doing the things listed above, it is important to find a good balance between working hard and calling it quits overall. While working hard is always a good option, and is one that should still be considered by all seniors, you can save yourself a lot of time and stress by looking big picture and considering what is necessary to maintain you college acceptance and also graduate from high school. However, with this being said, you don’t want to slack off too much and jeopardize your collegiate future and your potential graduation. Senioritis is very real, but is something that only should get used in moderation; don’t overwork yourself (unless you have other outside influences) but also don’t do too little that can possibly affect you negatively. Find a safe balance and most importantly be sure to enjoy yourself your senior year!