Club Corner: Unique Inspirations

Club Corner: Unique Inspirations

Unique Inspirations started around the year of 2011 with the help of Alexia Randolph, who has now graduated and Ms. Sellers, the Life Skills teacher at Page. This club is about creating relationships with the students who have disabilities and including them as a part of the student body as much as possible. This club holds a meeting once a month and usually revolves around a holiday party. The participants in this club are involved in the Special Olympics around spring time so the kids can run, work on their events, and participate in other fun physical activities. The club includes the special needs kids in all student body activities such as home football games and including them during lunch. We asked a few students in the club what their favorite part was about the club. Gail Harrison tells us she enjoys the snacks and the holiday parties. Tasha Patnre enjoys watching movies, Sara Sims loved painting the pumpkins and doing other crafts at this years Halloween party, and Antavas Holmes says he also loved painting the pumpkins! “Unique Inspirations is a good way for the student body to create relationships with the special needs kids, and it makes them smile when they see their buddy in the hall” says Gillian Smith who started her own branch off of the club called “Lunch Buddies” where if you can sign up eat with a special needs student and take them around during lunch to meet new people.


If you’re interested in getting involved, listen to announcements occasionally, talk to Gillian Smith or any other active club member, or you can swing by Ms. Sellers room (206) to discuss becoming a part of this inspirational club