On Friday, November 16 six selected students from Page took part in the All-County Orchestra held at Southwest Guilford. This event took place at 4:00 and lasted about an hour. The students chosen auditioned for the All-County Band and performed well enough not only to take part in the Band but also to take part in the All-County Orchestra. Auditions were open to any Band student. Payne Bailey, Sandro Hasanbasic, Rachel Holt, Jocelyn Imbus, Allison Rose, and Caroline Wilson were the honored musicians. Payne Bailey informed me that the group as a whole did well. He feels good about his performance at the event too. Bailey, who plays the French Horn, said that the team of musicians practiced as much as they could over the time between audition selections and the All-County Orchestra. This meant two five-hour practices plus a little more periodically. The songs were chosen be Mr. Box, the Orchestra Director. When asked how he felt or what he did when he was selected Bailey said, “I was actually disappointed that I got second chair, not first.”
On November 27 and 28, the All-County Band Clinic took place. Over the two days, students who were selected after auditioning had the opportunity to participate in a clinic in the Band Room where they prepared for their concert by practicing for two entire school days. Ranging from freshmen to seniors, a total of 34 students took part in this event. The concert that the students prepared for took place on December 5 at 7:00PM. Congratulations to both the All-County Band and the All-County Orchestra on significant accomplishments!