A Page Pirate we see dreaming big is sophomore Lily Lueking. She is a very modest girl that has a lot of talent! Lily dances competitively with the Walsh Kelley dance team. Two weeks ago her and her team went to regionals at the Irish Dance Championship in Houston, Texas. Lily and her team qualified for the world championship which will be held in Greensboro next March. Lily works so hard to be the best she can be by practicing for 2 hours 5 days a week. In order to prepare for her competition, her and her team are amping their practices and traveling to the main studio in Charlotte every weekend. I asked Lily if she wanted to continue to competitively dance and she said, “I would love to continue to compete, and perhaps when I am older possibly teach dance to kids.” Lily is dreaming big and taking her passion for dancing to the next level.
Pirates Dreaming Big: Lily Lueking
Olivia Emmert, Staff Writer
January 7, 2019
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Olivia Emmert, Student Life
I am a senior at Page. I also enjoy the band Waterparks and I like to hang out with my friends.