January’s Student of the Month is Fnu Yuin, most people know him as “Z”. Fnu is a hardworking student that is always challenging himself academically. Fnu takes multiple AP classes this year to prepare for college such as AP Biology and AP Psychology. Fnu’s goal is to go to medical school after earning his undergraduate. To prepare for his career in the medical field, Fnu takes the Nursing 1 class and goes to Moses Cone Hospital every Tuesday and Thursday. He shadows the nurses and helps them. Fnu is in DECA and is the president of this club. Fnu is not only an excellent student and leader, he also is an athlete too. Last year Fnu ran track and cross country, and this year he participated for cross country again. He plays soccer on a rec team outside of Page and practices every week. Fnu is also a great friend and can be seen making everyone feel welcome both in and outside the classroom.