Every month we look for an athlete who represents Page High as a whole. Not only being dedicated to your sport but to your school life in general, and dedication is exactly what drives this athlete. Each month, we acknowledge the achievements of a remarkable athlete and share their secrets to their success. Get ready to get the inside scoop of our athlete of the month!
Addison Powell, a freshman volleyball player on varsity, has proven multiple times that she can keep up with the more experienced players. Though, Addison still has to deal with nerves just like anybody else. She says before a big game she has to get out there and play because “it’s not as intimidating as it seems.” Living by this motto, Addison pushes herself to improve daily by staying positive and practicing with her team.
During practice she says, “We spend a lot of time doing drills and scrimmaging and a little bit of conditioning mixed in there.” After a hard practice day she goes home and eats a nice healthy meal before coming back the next day and going again. When she is off the court she supports the JV team, cheering them on in the bleachers.
As a student athlete not only does she have to worry about her constant improvement on the team but her studies as well. Addison recommends all student athletes to study and keep a planner to help organize and better their time management skills. As a freshman, Addison Powell is dominating the field and I personally can’t wait to see what she’ll do next! Congrats to her and the rest of the volleyball team for being a prime example of what Page is all about.