Every March the College basketball teams play many games to decide who
gets a spot in their division’s tournament. The average number of viewers at any
given moment during March Madness is 9.86 million people.
March Madness gets its name from Henry V. Porter in 1939 who was the
assistant executive secretary of the Illinois High School Association when he wrote
an essay titled “March Madness” in the Illinois interscholastic. Other news outlets
adopted the term and it became more and more popular as the 1940s and 1950s
went along.
March Madness started as a high school tournament. When the University of
Illinois started to host the event in 1908 it continued to grow. Today it is a college
event that is hosted around the country and watched by millions of people.
Every year millions of people make a March Madness bracket that predicts
how a person thinks the tournament will go. Nobody has ever been able to
perfectly predict how the tournament will go and it is a very low odds achievement
with the odds being 1 in 9.2 quintillion. If you have paid attention to basketball
very carefully the odds drop to 1 in 120.2 billion.
The team that has won the tournament the most is UCLA with 11 wins
overall. The team that has most recently won in 2024 was UCONN, the University
of Connecticut.